Friday, December 31, 2004

List Mania Redux

Well I finally sat down and got though my list good stuff that happened in 2004. I have to admit, this was a lot harder than the Crap list that I previously did. As usual, it’s the bad stuff that sticks with you. Well, without further ado…

The More Better Stuff of 2004

10. Nirvana Achieved : Finally. The Nirvana Box set was released. Courtney finally got off her crazy ass and gave her permission to release it and it was well worth the wait. It also did my heart good to hear that Courtney’s solo album was ranked as one of the worst of the year. Did anybody else hear that crap? The music wasn’t bad but it was like she was singing a completely different song than the band was playing. Weirdness. Speaking of box sets, the Cure also released their long awaited B Sides collection, “Join The Dots”. It is truly a thing of beauty.

9. Sorry Mod : I had to apologize in advance because I’m actually going to say something positive about wrestling. I know I said in my other list that wrestling was crappier than usual but there were some bright spots. Specifically, Chris Benoit finally got the title after years of being thought of too small to main event. Also, the WWE released a definitive ECW DVD and also started the 24 hour wrestling channel. I’m so excited I could pee… and I may.

8. The TiVo Zone : Now I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. It’s good because TiVo has totally changed the way I watch TV for the better. The downfall is that now I’m watching WAY too much TV. What is even worse is that I have no idea how I am ever going to live without it. I think the folks at Adult Swim said it best, “I wish I could TiVo life, then I could skip past everything but television and sex”. Wise words.

7. Video Games Killed the Radio Star : I was in geek heaven this year when it came to video games. The new Grand Theft Auto outdid itself in its storyline and the size of the universe. I know Anne has especially enjoyed watching Vito play, HA!

6. But What About Good Old Family Values : Although Family Guy doesn’t re-premier until 2005, this was the year that Fox decided to bring back one of the greatest shows ever. The random humor of this show is the best. Not to take anything away from the Simpsons, they are still the OG’s of prime time animation, but I can’t tell you how excited I am for new Family Guy episodes. Speaking of the Simpsons, this was the first time that they released TWO seasons on DVD in the same year. Now at this rate I may get all of the seasons before DVD becomes obsolete… but probably not.

5. The Force is Strong With This One : This fall, George Lucas FINALLY released the “holy trilogy” on DVD. Now say what you will about his constant meddling with the films, but I was ecstatic about the release. Yes Greedo still shoots first and they updated Anakin Skywalker at the end of Jedi, but now I can finally watch Empire in all of its digital glory. I could go on, but then even more people would wonder how I could possibly have a girlfriend.

4. TV Doesn’t Always Suck : I know it’s hard to imagine, but there are shows out there that aren’t offshoots of CSI or Law & Order. This will forever be the year where I re-discovered Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. Living in California, Adult Swim starts three hours earlier so I was always doing something else when it was on. But once I moved back to Michigan I was able to watch all the mind numbing toons at the appropriate time. I don’t know what life was like anymore without Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sea Lab 2021.

3. Stop, Movie Time : This wasn’t the greatest year in the theaters, but the few movies that were good, were REALLY good. Hands down my fav movie of the year was Garden State. I’m a huge Zach Braff fan from Scrubs so I went into the movie with high expectations and it exceeded every one. Just a wonderful film. I love a movie that sticks with me for days, even weeks after I’ve seen it and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind was great for that. I’m still trying to get my mind around it. Recently I saw Ray, which was just incredible, and the Incredables which was ray-a-full (?) HA!

2. What’s Old is New : Some of my fav bands released some really good music this year. The Cure’s new album was amazing, Green Day became relevant again, hell even Duran Duran released a good album. All in all, this was the first year in a long time where I didn’t think new music sucked. I discovered the music of Jem (think of her as a mix of Dido and Poe) and Franz Ferdinand. Public Enemy collaborated with Moby for “Make Love, F**K War” which was my fav single of the year.. Mos Def released a great album, Kanye West proved to be the new most influential producer in Hip Hop, and the Dilated Peoples album “Neighborhood Watch” is probably the best album nobody heard.

1. The Pistons Win : Remember, this is a personal list and I am sure that this wouldn’t top the list of most people but this was a really friggin big deal for me. As somebody who was around for the Bad Boy era, this was a long time coming. The plight of a Pistons fan isn’t quite as grim as the plight of the Lions fan, but it did have its moments. I stuck with this team when our best player was Orlando Woolridge. I rushed out and got the Draft Cards for Lindsay Hunter and Allen Houston when they were both picked in the first round. I got excited when Terry Mills took to the floor as I knew he was killer from beyond the arc, even if he was useless back on D. Hell, I was even a Grant Hill supporter back in the day. In fact I still don’t have anything against Hill (sorry Vito) I just don’t see him as a leader and he played way too soft. So this past June was thing of beauty. That week of the finals, the Pistons were the best team in the NBA no question. Forget about how they are playing now and the Artest incident. This championship will live forever for me and in the end “I love this team”.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Back Again

Hey there all. Well I'm back after a little layoff from posting here. It was really busy around here with my sister and her boyfriend here. I literally feel like I have been running around non stop for the past week. As always, it was great seeing her, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to just doing nothing for the next couple of days.
So we have really had some crazy rain here in SoCal over the past couple of days. I heard that on Tuesday they had over 6 inches of rain down in Hollywood. At least it wasn't snow right :)
Was actually down in Hollywood on Monday with everybody. It was raining (of course) so we couldn't get out and do much, but I've seen pretty much everything there is to see down there. We did get to go to my fav Mexican restaurant. If anybody is in the neighborhood, check out El Compadre on Sunset Blvd. It's right across from the "Guitar Shop". It's a little hole in the wall type of thing, but the food is amazing!!! That's one thing you really can't find in Canada, good Mexican food. In London I think there is one place and that's about it. Now that's London, Ontario for anybody who is confused. I grew up on the mean streets of Westmount and White Oaks down in London town ;) HA!!! OK so it's not that hardcore. Funny story though, I was at the gym here in Anaheim Hills a couple of months ago and I saw a guy with "714" tattooed on his back. Now that is hardcore. Nothing like rep'n the Hills! I mean I understand 909 or even 586, but 714? Let's just say that they won't be making "True Crime: The Streets of Yorba Linda" anytime soon.
Anyways, I hope all had a great holiday!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Seasonings!

Merry Christmas from Orange County!!! Just want to wish you all a happy holidays, whatever holiday you celebrate. Posted by Hello

Too many presents... not enough coal :) Posted by Hello

Here's a pic of our Christmas Eve spread. Ummmm... too much food...  Posted by Hello

Here is my sister Katie and her boyfriend Justin. Posted by Hello

This one is especially for Bryan. Sorry I couldn't send you some cookes this year, but I thought you at least like a picture because that's just a good right? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Just watched the Spartans take apart UCLA this evening. I really like this team. Since their two losses they seem to have come together again as a team. GO GREEEN!!!!
Picked up my sister, Katie, and her boyfriend, Justin, at LAX today. They are in from London for the holidays. It's nice having a full house for Christmas. I do feel bad for Justin though. I'm not sure he realizes what he is getting himself into:)
Mod went back home to Ottawa today so I didn't get a chance to talk to her today. I think that it's the first time in months and months that we haven't at least talked on the phone. So if you are reading this Mod, I miss you!!!!
Tomorrow is cookie day so I'm sure I will have some good pics of the mess we will make. Plus, I'm going to try and get my "Best of 2004" list done. I don't necessairly plan the lists out in advance so it's not like I have a rough draft or anything, I just haven't had time or the brain power to sit down and really type it. As if you haven't already noticed it, I don't do drafts of my posts or do any editing before I put it up on the web. These aren't articles, just the ramblings of a dude out west. I do however, appreciate each and every person who takes the time to read my drivil.
Well I'm off to bed... night!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

List Mania

Hey all!
Well it’s the end of the year so everybody and their brother seems to be publishing lists of things for the year, so I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon. Speaking of which, what is a bandwagon? What band is on that wagon? A marching band?

Now keep in mind, these were things that I found important, not necessarily what the rest of the world thinks is important. Once again, it’s all about me, hahahahahahaha!
Anyways, I thought I’d start out with a list of the truly crap-tacular things of 2004.

Craptastic Events in 2004

10. Ashley Simpson, Unplugged: OK, this was just funny. Didn’t feel bad for her at all when she got caught lip synching on SNL. What endeared her even more to me was when she tried to blame her band. Nice. Speaking of the Simpson family, Ashley’s sister Jessica released a holiday album that is available at 7-11. Let me say that again, the album is available at 7-11. A Jessica Simpson holiday album just doesn’t seem like the impulse purchase I would make at the 7-11. “You know what would go really well with this six pack of Bud… some holiday music from Jessica Simpson”.

9. Larry Gets Shafted: 2004 was the year Leisure Suit Larry finally returned in Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude. Now I loved the Larry games back in the day. Yeah sure they were a little risqué, but most importantly, they were funny as hell. The worst part about the new game is that Al Lowe (the creator of Larry) wasn’t even involved in the making of this game. He’s still around and runs a funny site that can be found here.

8. There Be Some Crappy Movies Out There: I may at some point do an entire list of the worst movies I have seen but for 2004 there was one that took the cake. So you take Ben Stiller, Jack Black and then mix in some Christopher Walken and you would think you had the makings of a good movie. Well “Envy” proved me wrong, oh so wrong. The sad thing is, it was seeing this film where I finally accomplished my longtime goal of being the only person in a theater. Oh the bittersweet irony of it all. I finally had the theater to myself and I had to sit through this drivel. On second thought, that’s probably why I was the only one there.

7. Crunk, It's More Than Just A Crappy Energy Drink: I have sort of a love/hate relationship with everything Lil’ Jon. I love that he has basically become Dave Chappelle’s parody of himself, but I can’t stand most of his music. And I like me some crappy music, but most crunk makes “Barbie Girl” seem like it has substance.

6. Britney Goes White Trash: I always thought that you got rich and famous so you didn’t have to marry a skid who already has a kid to go along with his x-girlfriend who is preggers. Good for her, embrace you inner dirtbag. Speaking of Britney, did we really need a remake of My Prerogative. Check that, did we need a remake of any Bobby Brown song whatsoever?

5. Wrestling Sucked More Than Usual: I have completely lost my patients for the WWE. I know somewhere Mod is rejoicing. This year was a new low in crappy programming though. Stone Cold, Goldberg and Brock Lesner are all gone, Bradshaw is the champ and each and every week they find a new and exciting way to bore me to sleep. I never thought I would say this but I find myself not caring when I miss Raw or Smackdown. I could write more on this but I'm just too annoyed with it. Somewhere Mod is doing a happy dance.

4. The Peterson Trial: Quick question… why do we even care? Was this the only murder that happened that year? This may sound shallow and uncaring but they weren’t famous or anything. It’s my theory that the day this came across the wire Fox News was having a slow news day and this is what they went with. Just think, if Britney had decided to get married that day we would have never even heard about this.

3. The Malice at the Palace : If there was ever any doubt that Ron Artest was crazy, he clarified it this year. The 2004 season started off weird for Artest and just went downhill. I really wasn’t surprised he was involved in something like this, I just thought it would be later in the season. So he starts out the year wanting time off to promote the new album he has been working on. Keep in mind, this isn’t his “much anticipated” rap album, this is an album that he produced for some lame ass girl group. Makes you wonder what he’ll do to ‘promote’ his own album when it comes out. Now I am by no means condoning the cup thrower’s activities, that is just crap, but Artest was being a jerk. After being shoved by Ben Wallace he walked over to the scorers table and lied down. Who does that? That is one of the most obnoxious displays I have ever seen. It would be the baseball equalavant of a batter who was just hit by a pitch walking over to the opposing teams dugout and lounging on top of it. Not only is it disrespectful, but it also totally exposes them to the fans. I do feel sorry for the fans in Indiana. They are going to have a hell of a time down the stretch without their biggest players.

2. Janet’s Boob: 2004 started with a bang at the Super Bowl halftime show. Honestly, I missed the entire thing. I was out in Vegas until 4:00am the morning of the game, then I drove back to Anaheim and passed out just as the game started. I woke up at the beginning of the 3rd quarter and saw a hell of a game and had no idea anything interesting had just happened during halftime. I mean does anything ever happen? Anyways, it’s my opinion that Janet’s boob ruined the world. It was the start of the FCC going insane over censorship. Not much that hasn’t already been said about this… Damn you Janet’s boob, you have ruined television and radio!!!

1. Reality TV: I hate, hate, hate, hate reality TV. I can’t stand the sight of it, and for the past 8 months or so I have completely boycotted everything to do with reality television. When are we going to get to the point where there is no reality left to film. Has anybody even tried to watch “the REAL Gilligans Island”? I swear watching that stuff is guaranteed to make you sterile.
It has literally gotten to the point where it’s like Awesome-o is choosing the contestants scenarios. (“OK, so Adam Sandler inherits $50,000,000 but has to become a prize fighter and he falls in love with a ring card girl”). I miss good sitcoms.
(hats off to anybody who got the South Park reference, I figured that Vito and I would be the only ones laughing... as usual)

Monday, December 20, 2004

The Plight of a Lions Fan

OK... so no hating on Harrington today. He did the best with what he was given. In fact, when he led the Lions 80 yards in the final min, it was as good as I have ever seen a Lions QB play. Of course that's not saying much :)
The funniest part was just before the Lions snapped the ball for the PAT was was about to say to my dad "now watch them screw up the point after" (no joke). Well they beat me to the punch and I just sat in disbelief. The Lions season was already screwed, but this was just sad. On the bright side, Kevin Jones and Roy Williams are going to be fun to watch over the next few years.

So this marks the one week anniversary of my blog! Thanks to all of you who have visited and a special thanks to all who have posted. This is proving to be a great way for me to keep in touch with all of you so I am going to continue to post as much as I can. So keep comming back.
Until next time... "Be excellent to one another... Party on Dudes!"

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Here's another pic of Abby. For some reason I found it really cute. She's outside on the porch with her duvet. Anyways, I know my sister will appreciate the pic :) Posted by Hello

Friday, December 17, 2004

It's About time!!!

Well the Toronto Raptors finally got off their ass and traded the waste of space known as Vince Carter to the Nets. In return they got some big men (and Zo but he was just there for cap reasons) but most importantly they will recieve two, first round draft picks. These are going to prove to be the most valuable part of the trade as the Nets are going to suck for a long time. Kidd is great but he's getting old and beat up and Vince is just a cancer on a team. Now watch him blow up in New Jersey :( Anyways, here's a link for the full details.

Well Just a short post today. I'm off to a Christmas party at my friends in Inglewood. Should be fun!!!

We Wish You a Crappy Christmas...

OK, confession time. I am a fan of pro wrestling. According to Mod, everybody has a tragic flaw, and this is mine :) Anyways, one of my fav sites is Always good for a laugh. Well they posted a great article on the Star Wars Holiday Speical that I was talking about previously. It can be found here,

They also have posts on other "great" moments in wrestling and Christmas. Nothing like Hulk Hogan dressed up like santa to get you in the holiday spirit... ok , maybe not.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Star Wars Holiday Special

I'm not sure if any of you remember this, or have even seen it but there actually was a "Star Wars Holiday Special" back in the late 70s. It played only once, but there are some bootleg copies of it running around. Apparently it was horrible but it did answer the eternal question of "what do you get a wookie for Christmas when he's already got a comb" :) Anyways, here is a site for more info on this...

Use The Falsetto Luke.

You know what we need more of... Singing Jedi's :) Posted by Hello

"Special" X-Mas Songs

So most peole know that I like some "special" music and that's why I love, love, love my XM radio. For the past couple of weeks XM radio has offerend 4 holiday music channels, including my fav, "Special X". It plays all sorts of weird stuff. My fav being of course "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas". Speaking of which, here is a site just about that song! You can see it by clicking here.

See... my site is fun an informative :)

I mentioned the Santa Anna's last night and well they are still going on. Here is a pic of what the winds are doing to the palms out back. "It's Mega-Maid, she's switched from suck to blow" Posted by Hello

More Hot Air From The West

Hey all. Well it is crazy windy here right now. The Santa Anna's are kicking our ass right now. The wind is so strong right now that the sliding glass door is sort of bending in. Crazy stuff. The good news is that these winds usually mean warm weather so that is nice (sorry to all in the snow).
So did any of you see that Pistons game tonight?!?!!? It was crazy. Detroit so didn't deserve to win that game, but when you are the champs I suppose you can pull out a game or two like that. I just don't know why they aren't feeling it this year. It's like they don't start playing until after half time. They need to work on that.
So I finally got to chat with my good friend Laura tonight!! (HI LAURA!!) I haven't talked to her in what feels like forever. Didn't have time to say much but it was still nice to touch base. I love it when you get to a point in a friendship where you can go months without talking and just pick up like it was nothing. I feel very lucky to have people like that in my life. And chances are that if you are checking this blog, then you are one of those people. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! (yes I have been dipping into the rum and egg nogg again) :)

I am so 2-Pac...

cuz i'm wrappin. OK... that was even a bad pun for me:) Anyways... I had all the essentials for good Christmas wrapping. Scissors, tape, paper, and of course, beer :) Posted by Hello

One More Pic of LIghts

OK... so apparently I didn't post a picture of the other tree in the family room (sorry Kate) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Random Stuff

Just a couple of random things this evening. I was checking my stat counter to see who has been visiting my site and it is really interesting. I've had people from all over the world stop by and read my ramblings... poor them. I thought I was only going to bore my closest friends and family, but now I know I get to annoy the entire world! Lots of responsibility, I better say something important...
I like pizza.

OK so I'm not going to unite the world with this site, but at least I can amuse with my ramblings.

Not much to write tonight, but I'm sure I'll have more to talk about tomorrow. Until then I have a question for you to ponder... In the Star Wars I : The Phantom Menace, there was neither a Phantom nor a Menace. Discuss....

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

JAYded means what?!?!

So I've been using the name JAYded since around 1996 when I was still DJ'ing regularly. I always thought it sort of fit, not only did it include my name but it also fit my o' so sunny disposition at the time :) Anways, apparently being Jayded means something completely different according to


1. Sexually pleasured to the extreme.
2. Taken to the fifth level.
3. To be sexually pleasured to the point where all other lovers would be inferior.

Joe said "Jenny is a really nice girl, but after dating Kyle she was jayded."

WHAT!!! I have never heard this before. I feel dirty...
I'm going to go cry in the shower now.... :(

I love you Johnny, oh yes I do. I love you Johnny and I'll be true...

Ok... so I may have a little bit of an unhealthy obsession with Johnny Depp. Mod can certainly attest to this (love ya!) Anyways, I just found a link to the trailer for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Just thought I'd share :)

I wanted TiVo to be my friend, I really did, but it has become the bain of my existance. I've been trying to hook up my parents TiVo pretty much all day and it is FUBAR, bigtime. I have to reset it every time I switch chanels. Fun stuff. But at least I was able to record some stuff in all the chaos and most importantly, I set up my "season pass" for Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!! Number one in the hood G.  Posted by Hello

Monday, December 13, 2004

Blogging for Dummies

Hey all, so I've had a few questions as to what a blog is and what to do and such so I thought I'd just post this little FAQ.
A blog is a Web Log (or blog). It's a pictorial journal of sorts. I'll post some pics and some stories most every day (at least I'll try to). So keep checking back and hopefully there will be something new each time.
You can also post comments to what I write or my pictures. This way you can not only talk with me, but whoever else decides to post here. You can sign up with and get an account, they are free, but if you don't want to sign up you can post anonymously. Then you can sign your name or not... that way we can find out who posted what or you can tell me to "slag off" and I can just wonder who the jerk is :) But know I'll hunt you down... I'm like that you know.. HA!

So was kind of a busy day, put up the outside lights all morning, then went and saw National Treasure this afternoon. Not a bad "popcorn movie". You can just sort of turn your brain off and enjoy. Nothing challenging at all here, it was kinda predictable and straightforward but good none the less. Really looking forward to Ocean's 12 sometime this week.

Well yall... till tomorrow.

A Spartan Village holiday classic. Posted by Hello

F*$&ing LIONS!!! I can't tell you how old this is getting. I was the biggest Harrington supporter but I think I'm finally jumping off the bandwagon (I know  Posted by Hello

the front of our house.. nicely overdone. It was weird... I've never put out christmas lights in shorts and a t-shirt.  Posted by Hello

A view from upstairs at the big christmas tree in the living room. Actually, my sister requested a bunch of pics of the house and stuff... so here ya go Katie! Posted by Hello

So this is the Dickens Village that I set up every year on the fire place. Yep... I'm a geek. Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Just a little picture of one of our trees out front. You gotta love lights on a palm tree :) Posted by Hello


Well I think that brings us pretty much up to date... Today I spent most of the day shopping. YAY fun... No not at all. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE shopping when it is for me. Unless I'm going to Best Buy that is :) So we went out to some outlet malls in Riverside County, not bad... at least it's over. Did have some trauma today though, I broke my Pistons ornament for the tree this morning. I was trying to hang it at the top of the tree, in a position of prominence of course, and the top separated from the glass ball and well... it wasn't good. I cried a little, but I'm over it now and am ready to move on... maybe :)
Spent the evening at Newport Beach tonight. It was beautiful all day in Anaheim (highs in the mid 80s) but when we got down to the beach the fog had rolled in. Couldn't really see the ocean, but I could hear it.
Well that's all for now... night

Look snow in the O.C. !!! Well, not really. At the end of the fireworks every night a DisneyLand they play "White Christmas" and it "snows". Kind of a cool thing, snow when it's 75 out.  Posted by Hello

Speaking of Jack... here is a pic of the man himself dressed as dear old Sandy Claws.  Posted by Hello

The clock at the haunted mansion... my fav ride, especially during the holidays when Jack Skellington and the rest of the Nightmare Before Christmas gang take it over.  Posted by Hello

This is a view of the big tree at the end of main street.  Posted by Hello


OK... so you have to know that my parents are a little nuts about DisneyLand to the point that we have dinner there every friday night. Crazy huh... so if you ever call me on a friday night, chances are this is where I'll be. Here next couple of posts are pics from my trip last friday. It's really beautiful there over the holidays... Oh, and yes, I am a gigantic cheesball for holiday lights :)

ME!!!! I'm so pretty :) Posted by Hello

Abby... my little puppy... OK, so she's 14 years old, but she will always be a puppy to me. I actually like it when my parents let her hair grow out, but it's been hot for her lately. Plus, it's a bother to brush all the time. Beauty is a bitch...  Posted by Hello

Just a cute little guy we have in the backyard. Posted by Hello
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