Sunday, December 12, 2004


Well I think that brings us pretty much up to date... Today I spent most of the day shopping. YAY fun... No not at all. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE shopping when it is for me. Unless I'm going to Best Buy that is :) So we went out to some outlet malls in Riverside County, not bad... at least it's over. Did have some trauma today though, I broke my Pistons ornament for the tree this morning. I was trying to hang it at the top of the tree, in a position of prominence of course, and the top separated from the glass ball and well... it wasn't good. I cried a little, but I'm over it now and am ready to move on... maybe :)
Spent the evening at Newport Beach tonight. It was beautiful all day in Anaheim (highs in the mid 80s) but when we got down to the beach the fog had rolled in. Couldn't really see the ocean, but I could hear it.
Well that's all for now... night


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