Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Just watched the Spartans take apart UCLA this evening. I really like this team. Since their two losses they seem to have come together again as a team. GO GREEEN!!!!
Picked up my sister, Katie, and her boyfriend, Justin, at LAX today. They are in from London for the holidays. It's nice having a full house for Christmas. I do feel bad for Justin though. I'm not sure he realizes what he is getting himself into:)
Mod went back home to Ottawa today so I didn't get a chance to talk to her today. I think that it's the first time in months and months that we haven't at least talked on the phone. So if you are reading this Mod, I miss you!!!!
Tomorrow is cookie day so I'm sure I will have some good pics of the mess we will make. Plus, I'm going to try and get my "Best of 2004" list done. I don't necessairly plan the lists out in advance so it's not like I have a rough draft or anything, I just haven't had time or the brain power to sit down and really type it. As if you haven't already noticed it, I don't do drafts of my posts or do any editing before I put it up on the web. These aren't articles, just the ramblings of a dude out west. I do however, appreciate each and every person who takes the time to read my drivil.
Well I'm off to bed... night!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here I am! I haven't parished in the abyss that is Ottawa winter. My fellow Canadians kind of know what I am talking about but unless you are in Ottawa or Montreal or out East, you just can't fully understand. I seriously didn't know that -46 was a temperature.

Anyway, I am still alive. I love and miss you too!

P.S. save me some cookies!

3:56 PM  

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