Monday, December 20, 2004

The Plight of a Lions Fan

OK... so no hating on Harrington today. He did the best with what he was given. In fact, when he led the Lions 80 yards in the final min, it was as good as I have ever seen a Lions QB play. Of course that's not saying much :)
The funniest part was just before the Lions snapped the ball for the PAT was was about to say to my dad "now watch them screw up the point after" (no joke). Well they beat me to the punch and I just sat in disbelief. The Lions season was already screwed, but this was just sad. On the bright side, Kevin Jones and Roy Williams are going to be fun to watch over the next few years.

So this marks the one week anniversary of my blog! Thanks to all of you who have visited and a special thanks to all who have posted. This is proving to be a great way for me to keep in touch with all of you so I am going to continue to post as much as I can. So keep comming back.
Until next time... "Be excellent to one another... Party on Dudes!"


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