Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Top Albums of 2010

Well, I'm snowed in so the best use of my time is OBVIOUSLY to make a few personal "best of" lists. I have been kicking this list around in my head since Thanksgiving, which is when I usually start looking back at the year as a whole. My order has changed a bit over the past month, and probably will change again as soon as I post this, but my Top 10 has basically stayed consistent.

10) Das Racist - Sit Down, Man/Shut Up, Dude

I grouped both of Das Racist's "mixtapes" together as they came out so close together that it's hard to not look at them as a Part I and Part II. I love these guys, they blend humor and great beats better than most hip hop groups out there today. Honestly, anyone who can work the line "sambar, dosa/ in the middle of little Italy" in to a verse gets my vote.
Key Tracks: You Oughta Know (dude), hahahaha jk? (Man).

9) Against Me! - White Crosses

This album didn't resonate with me the same way 2007's "New Wave" did, but it's the closest thing I'll get to a new Clash album. High energy post-punk riffs mixed with politically aware lyrics that have a distinct narrative are always good with me and this album has plenty of that. This album is proof that Butch Vig hasn't lost his touch and can still produce a relevant album two decades after Nevermind. Plus, I saw these guys twice this year and seeing them play these tracks live gives even more depth to their record.
Key Track - Teenage Anarchist.

8) Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

I almost forgot that this album came out in 2010. It's so familiar to me that it feels like I have been listening to it for years. It's hard to argue with the genius that is David Albarn and it's also proof that he can produce a Gorillaz album without bringing in a heavy hitter like Dangermouse or Dan The Automator to do the heavy lifting. Once again the Gorillaz manage to make use of some innovative guest vocalist including, Mos Def, Snoop Dogg and my fav, Lou Reed.
Key Track - Rhinestone Eyes

7) Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown

If the KOL are the modern version of U2 then then this is their Achtung Baby. KOL pruists will bemoan the production value and the fact that they sound like they can actually play their instruments on this album, but Come Around Sundown is what it is, a solid rock album. Once again, the KOL live and die by the vocals of Caleb Followill and he doesn't disappoint. Half the time I don't even care what he's saying, it's more about his use of his voice as another instrument. He's no Bjork, but his voice adds to the instrumentation on a level almost comparable to the way Maynard does with Tool.
Key Track - Pickup Truck

6) The Gaslight Anthem - American Slang

What can I say... I LOVE this band. They mix punk pop with the narrative songwriting of Springsteen, which I am a complete sucker for. This has been my "driving music" for much of 2010, and I drive a LOT! Musically, it's nothing special, but lyrically, each song tells a story that either uplifts or breaks your heart.
Key Track - Bring It On

5) Girl Talk - All Day

It came out just a few weeks ago, but it is already THE party record for 2010. The best thing about a Girl Talk album is that you can just put the playlist on and let it go. If you don't like what you hear, that's fine as it will probably change in 20 seconds. Unlike Feed The Animals, GT allows his samples to breathe a little more so you get a bit more of a flavor of the song before he moves on. Further, he gives a few of the background tracks a call back so you aren't just hearing the beat, you quite often get the payoff hook mixed within the track, which is a nice change.
Key Track - Jump on Stage (Portishead + Big Boi = WIN)

4) Black Keys - Brothers

At one point this was hands down my album of the year and tomorrow I'll probably feel that way again, but for right now it's #4. Black Keys instrumentally have always been brilliant, but with Brothers, they have managed to maintain their genius while also making themselves a little more accessible. Their probably most commercially successful track, Tighten Up, is proof again that Dangermouse can channel an artists raw talent into a mainstream hit... even if the hipsters will hate him for doing it. :)
Key Track - Next Girl

3) Sleigh Bells - - Treats

If there is one album that I will keep coming back to from 2010 over the next few years, I have a feeling it will be Treats. The raw pop-electro-noise from this record has kept this in my rotation consistently since May. It's a rarity these that you have 5 solid, single worthy, tracks on an album so you have to respect that. Although MIA probably should have spent more time on her own album, I have her to thank for bringing Sleigh Bells to the masses.
Key Track - Kids

2) Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

Raw emotion. That's the best way to describe both this album and the way I feel when I listen to it. Although there is no track on this album that rivals the majesty of Wake Up, it's still packed with songs that will resonate with me for years to come. Their partnership with GOOGLE also lead to one of the most innovative marketing of an album with their interactive video experience thing for We Used to Wait. Simply amazing.
Key Track - We Used To Wait

1) Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

First off. I wanted to hate this album. I went into my first listening of this record with the WORST possible attitude. I was just looking to pick it apart. I'm not even a Kanye fan. I mean I recognize that he is great at what he does, but aside from College Dropout, I haven't gravitated to any of his work. Until this. Wow, simply wow. What impresses me the most about this album is that there seemed to be very little regard for writing "singles". These songs are LONG and not radio friendly in the slightest. In that way it reminds me of listening to old Metallica in that the songs are as long as the songs need to be to tell the story they need to tell and if it doesn't fit into what the radio deems the acceptable length, then screw it! Probably the biggest thing on this album is that Kanye allows his guest vocalists to steal the show on several of his tracks. Like, completely steal the song. The best example of this is Nicki Minaj on Monster who just completely eats both Kanye and Jay-Z alive.

In closing, F you Kanye and your genius. I still think you are an ass, but damn you are talented. Truly, lets have a toast for the douchebag... as you released the best album in this past year. Jerk :)
Key Track - Blame Game

Honorable Mentions:

Best Coast - Crazy for You
Great album with two very solid singles

Big Boi - Sir Lucious Left Foot
Andre 3000 who?

Yeasayer - Odd Blood
Like Plastic Beach, I can't believe this was released in 2010 as it feels like it's been with me a lot longer


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