There is no question that I am a music snob… I admit it… and my rant here may actually alienate some of my close friends but know that I still love you, even though you like some sucky music :)
What has been bothering me lately is everybody fascination with the new Coldplay and Dave Matthew’s Band, albums.
I’ll start my rant with Coldplay… To me, Coldplay is Radiohead without balls. Sure it is mildly catchy (I had “Yellow” stuck in my head for a solid month in 2000), and it has the atmospheric and moody sound that I usually find appealing (there is no denying that “Clocks” is a great song), but at the same time, I always feel like they are coping out when it comes to their music. I am a firm believer that you get out of your music what you put into it, and it doesn’t take any effort to listen to Coldplay. They play these pretty little melodies that verge on something important, but they never quite get there. Radiohead on the other hand, share a lot of the similarities with Coldplay, are not nearly as accessible. It takes effort and time to truly appreciate the brilliance of a Radiohead album, but once you do… wow… I can’t even describe the complexity and layers that you will find within every track. Coldplay just floats over you, you can pay attention and really listen, but you won’t really get any more out of it than you did the first time you listened to it. At the heart of this is the fact that Coldplay just doesn’t take the chances that truly great bands take. On each and every Radiohead album there is at least one song that I skip because it just doesn’t work for me. So in that sense, most Coldplay albums are more complete, because they never take a risk. To me, it is worth those one or two “skip songs” to get an album like OK Computer or Kid A. Like I said before, it’s Radiohead without balls.
I have similar thoughts on Dave Matthew’s but they bother me for completely different reasons. The analogy will be lost on anybody who didn’t grow up in Canada in the 90’s, but the Dave Matthew’s Band (DMB) is the second coming of the Tragically Hip. I don’t deny either band’s musical ability, but there is just something missing. Once again, they are safe and ultimately boring. What doesn’t help is that they are both embraced by jock and frat boys nationwide. I can just tell by looking at somebody that they are a DMB fan. No joke, just had a new clerk start last week and in the course of our get-to-know-you small talk I asked, “do you like DMB” and of course he said yes. If you wear polo shirts and kakis, chances are you have at least one DMB album.
I have had both the Hip and Dave Matthews shoved down my throat for so long that I don’t even see what is so big about them anymore. When they first came out I actually didn’t mind them… even kinda liked “Too Much”. But after that, they resided themselves to a very one dimensional sound and I can’t help being put to sleep by it. The problem I have with DMB is the same issue I have with Coldplay, if you really take the time and strip down all the layers of the music you are left with nothing. They keep everything on the surface… they make pop records under the sensitive guy with a guitar (or worse, piano) guise.
I understand that there was a time in the late 90’s and early 2000 that there wasn’t that much good music out there, but I honestly feel that we have entered a new renaissance of interesting music… and no I’m not talking about the bubble-gum and Hip-Pop that you hear on the top 40 radio stations. Get out there and enjoy some of the new bands! So you are a Coldplay fan, fine… try something by the “Doves” or even “Bright Eyes”. Still hooked on DMB think about the "Scissor Sisters" or "Death Cab for Cutie"… Still hooked... well then there’s no hope for you :)