Sunday, June 05, 2005

Go Gryphons!

Well it’s Sunday and I’m at work… boo!!!
Trying to get a few things done so this week isn’t so busy.
Just received an interesting post from somebody who I live with when I was a Freshmen at the University of Guelph like a million years ago. Actually it will be 10 years ago this August that I started at the U of G… now that’s a scary thought. Where the hell has time gone?
I LOVED college… it was a strange and confusing time, but it’s funny how the bad times just sort of slip away and all I’m left with are the warm and fuzzy memories. Even my freshmen year, where I was completely miserable for the most part, I look back fondly on. Made some real friends there… of course I’ve been bouncing around the continent so much over the past five years that I really haven’t been keeping in contact with most of them nearly as well as I should.
So to all you Lambton 4B’ers out there… I miss you all and I hope to hear from you soon!!!

Saw “Crash” this weekend (finally). I have to say that I was VERY impressed. The movie was just plain brilliant in the way it was put together. Every piece fit together perfectly. Great character study on the good and evil in all of us, under the backdrop of the racial tension in Los Angeles. Although it really didn’t show much of the positive side of LA, it still made me long to be back there. Not that I don’t still love Detroit (GO PISTONS), but no matter what, Detroit is not LA. Although we do have Trader Joe’s and Baja Fresh now… but still no In N’ Out burger or El Pollo Loco. (ummm… BRC burrito).

Well I’m going to go get some work done so I can get the hell outta here and enjoy the rest of my Sunday.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jay,
the reason other than not chatting in a while is that Liz and Nicola dropped into my work the other night and tried to catch up---made fun of her and herc and the other miscrients we all were of 4B-- liz wanted ilya's email and i tried hers but it didn't work.
hope all is well and chat soon

--if you don't have my email anymore drop a comment and forward it.


1:14 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

well wheels... it looks like I don't have your e mail anymore... I'm not sure what happend to it either. I was sure I had it somewhere... so shoot me a line sometime...

8:09 AM  

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