Tuesday, May 10, 2005

London Calling...

Spent quite a bit of time back in my old “hood” this weekend… the old stomping grounds of London, Ontario. OK so it isn’t really a hood, it’s about as hoody as Anaheim Hills, but I still would never get a “519” tattoo.

I already made fun of him before, but it warrants a second go round… I did see a guy last year at my gym with at “714” tat. I almost burst out laughing!! As if any area code in Orange County deserves to be “repped”!
But I digress…

It was actually quite shocking how much things have changed back in London town since I left. What shocked me the most was the fact that the night club I used to DJ at is now a parking lot! I had heard that they tore it down, but it really didn’t register until I saw it myself. Now this wasn’t a small little hole-in-the-wall pub either. It was a gigantic building. I think fire codes allowed us to have about 1,200 people in there, but we usually had closer to 1,500 on a Friday. But it’s gone now… just gone. Never really had much fun there when I wasn’t working… too much of a “meat market” atmosphere for my tastes, but they paid well and it was a hell of a lot better than having a real job when I was in College. Still would have liked to go there one last time before it was gone though.
Also went to my old favorite movie theater downtown… not much else to say about it other than it really doesn’t stack up to the new AMC google-plexes that are everywhere now. At least tickets are only $3.00, which is less than half of what they were the last time I was there back over 5 years ago.
I move around so much that it’s hard to have roots, and the one place where I used to really feel like “home” is so different now that even that doesn’t seem right. Downtown London has completely changed, my high school has been renovated (not that it didn’t need it), and even Westmont (where I used to live) has grown up so much that there is a Krispy Kream right down the street from my old house!!
The biggest change though is the fact that I only know two people in London anymore!
I guess it’s true… you can’t go home again…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me but you forgot to call one of the only two people you still know in London... and for someone who was feeling so nostalgic you might think to pick up the phone. I'll forgive you because I love you, but for the record.. I would never go to Michigan and not call you. Maybe you're missing the old London because you're forgetting to include those who made it such a great place. Didn't you know that I would read this blog and have my heart torn out? Tsk, tsk. I'm going to go listen to some Morissey and cry now... L, M

5:08 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Sorry Mel!
You have no idea what an Unmitigated disaster this weekend was. Know that I thought of calling you but figured that you would be doing the “Mothers Day” thing…
Alas… expect a call soon…

8:09 AM  

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