Friday, April 29, 2005

What The?

OK… so I’m having trouble focusing today… Think it’s a combination of it being Friday, gloomy outside and just generally feeling beat down from this past week. So I’ve decided to debut a new segment here, it’s the

What the Hell Files…

- So I was driving home yesterday, minding my own business, when this guy pulls up next to me. Honks to get my attention and then gives me the finger before he speeds away. What the hell!! It’s not like I was going too slow, if I was going any faster I would have been on top of the Mustang in front of me. I also had been in the same bloody lane for the past 10 miles so it wasn’t like I cut him off either. Thought momentarily about blowing him a kiss back to play off his obvious homophobic insecurities, after all, he had your typical Michigan Militia look to him (beat up car, buzz cut hair and of course the camouflage jacket). But I figured it would be better not to antagonize the uni-bomber and so I sat there looking very confused.

- Read yesterday that Tom Cruise is now dating Katie Holmes. For some reason this really bothered me, but at the same time I was thoroughly unsurprised. Tom needs a trophy and Katie, well needs a career again. It’s sad because I think she’s a decent actress (can’t argue with her “performance” in the Gift) that is lost in the shuffle of Hollywood. It is a crime that Paris keeps getting roles and Katie is floundering. On a related note… I really do want one of the “Watch Paris Die” promo shirts from the House of Wax. I want one not only to express my loathing of Paris, but also for the irony of the fact that she designed it herself. Now Alanis, that is actually Ironic :)

- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy opens today and apparently it’s not that good, which makes me sad. I didn’t read the book until recently and the first thing I thought was “how the hell are they going to make a movie out of this???” It is so random and strange that I just can’t see it working on the big screen. Douglas Adams, as good a writer as he is, writes in anything but a linear style and that just doesn’t translate to the screen. Then again, I had no idea how they would do Sin City and that was just breathtaking! Of course I’ll go and see it, because I’m a movie whore and will pretty much sit through anything. Plus, I can watch with the knowledge that it wasn’t the worst thing that opened this weekend. No, that dubious honor goes to XXX 2. Seriously, what the hell were they thinking making a sequel to XXX. Ever notice that Vin Diesel is never in his own sequels? (Chronicles of Riddick doesn’t count as it was a prequel) There must be a reason for this…



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, what the hell is wrong with these people? I swear, if I had a nickel for every time me or Jason said those words, I'd be rich, rich, rich!

Hitchiker's: It's probably going to be done the way a John Irving book is turned into the movie: a very loose following of the storyline.

5:28 PM  

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