Saturday, April 23, 2005


Hey there!!
Well this past week sucked more than humanly possible. Hence, no real posts... :(
Anyway, hopefully things will calm down a little bit this week and I can get back to writing on a regular basis again.
I also have noticed that I've been rambling WAY too much about myself... Why the hell would I do that?!?!?! Well, it's because I haven't really had time to go out and see a movie or watch much TV so I have sort of been cut off from the world. That was the one good thing about being unemployed with a TiVo, I could watch EVERYTHING!!!!
It's been over two months now since I have seen an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Robot Chicken because they are on too bloody late! This is very upsetting for me.
You also may notice that I have added a links section to my sidebar. Not many links yet, but I'm sure they will gradually take over.

Well I’m off for now….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't sad how work gets the way of life? Not that tv is your life, but you understand. I hate that. It's okay, I guess because work brings home the bacon (ewww bacon!)

12:22 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I still miss TV...
...Aqua Teen,
Sealab 2020,
Old Cheers and Friends re-runs.
Watching cheesy movies like "Fools Rush In" 76 times in one month on TNT just because...
I miss TV.

12:51 PM  

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