Thursday, April 14, 2005

Rest Is For The Weak

I am sick… I am sick of being sick… I am sick of being sick that I’m sick…
As much as I love the changing of the seasons, I hate the fact that when the weather fluctuates rapidly, I know I am bound to catch something. So when it went from 40 degrees and snowing to 73 and sunny, I knew I was fuct.
As a general rule, guys are bigger wimps when they are sick. I’m not necessarily whiny, but I am rather irritable and quite frustrated with the fact that my body is rebelling against me. Of course that all changes when you have to be at work… for the past few days I have tried to have as little people contact as possible… unfortunately that has been impossible. I spent all day Tuesday at the Oakland County court hose at case evaluation, I was at a seminar for trial lawyers yesterday and tomorrow I am in court again doing motions.
So as a way to make myself feel better, here’s a list of my top “sic movies”

The Toy
Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleeson… two greats doing what they do best. I always thought this was one of the more overlooked comedies of all time. It also gave me hope that they make Spider-Man pj’s in adult sizes :)

Night Shift
Yet another overlooked comedy. Michael Keeton and Henry Winkler start a prostitution ring… nothing like the Fonz as a pimp!

Empire Strikes Back
Nuff said..

Can’t Hardly Wait
This is basically a stand by for whenever… Seth Green absolutely ROCKS in this movie.
“Tell me what Special K can do to make you feel better”

So that’s what my ideal sick day would be… movies, a couch and OJ… Instead I’m at work, surrounded by files and hoping that a judge will not tear me a new one tomorrow morning…


Blogger Jay said...

Thanks much for the well wishes!
Was feeling much better by the time I got home last night (a combination of way too much caffeen and adrenelin) so of course I just HAD to go out drinking...
"I am not a smart man Jenny..."

12:12 PM  

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