Saturday, March 26, 2005

On the banks of the Red Cedar, there's a school that's known to all...

I can honestly say that I have never been so happy to have my NCAA bracket totally screwed up. You see, I had Duke going the the final four and winning it all. Wow and I glad that I was wrong. MSU really showed me something last night. They played up to the level that I knew they should be playing at since the season started. The Spartans always seemed to show up against the smaller schools, but when playing ranked opponets they just didn't have the heart and would fade away. Not last night. Last night they played with fire. Even when they were trailing for most of the first half, they were battling. Duke never got off a clean shot and never had a clear passing lane. This was Spartan Basketball. Even if State dosen't make it to the final four or win it all, they showed me last night that they could show up when it mattered.
One more basketball note, I hope all the sports writers who have been knocking the Big Ten as a weak conference will notice that 3 teams in the Elite Eight are from the Big Ten. Yeah, the Big Ten sucks, they never have impressive records, but that's because they spend the regular season beating the crap out of eachother! When it comes to playing someone who isn't in the Big Ten watch out!
Well I'm in Canada for the weekend and thus I am without my cell phone :( So of course a million people have called me. I was in Michigan all last weekend and nobody gave me a ring, but the moment I leave the country... *sigh*
Well I hope you all have a good weekend!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MSU Fight Song

On the banks of the Red Cedar
Is a school that's known to all;
Its specialty is winning,
And those Spartans play good ball;
Spartan teams are never beaten,
All through the games they fight;
Fight for the only colors,
Green and White.
Go right thru' for MSU,
Watch the points keep growing.
Spartan teams are bound to win,
They're fighting with a vim.
See their team is weakening,
We're going to win this game.
Fight! Fight! Rah! Team, Fight!
Victory for MSU.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Yes boys and girls, this was my lullaby when I was a kid... no joke. My dad would just sing it soft and slow and it would put me right out. Needless to say, my brainwashing began early. :)

12:31 PM  

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