Friday, March 25, 2005


Happy Cesar Chavez (sp) day!!!
Yep, no religious bias on this blog :)
So I’ve decided that this working thing kinda sux. They expect me to show up ever day and work… no more staying up till 3am watching movies… no more late nights at the bar on week nights. This isn’t like collage where I could go out all night and then just roll out of bed and into class and look like you are paying attention… no, I actually have to be productive!!! WHAT THE HELL!
Anyways… now a late night for me is 10:00 because 6 am comes way too quickly. I am such a loser,
So my friend Maria from Inglewood CA (Inglewood, always up to no good), called last night, and I am sorry that I didn’t get a chance to call you back… once again I’m a loser and had fallen asleep… and she left a message regarding dealing with obnoxiously rude people when you are in a customer service business. I must say that is one of the big things that I do not miss about working retail. People who are rude for no reason whatsoever. I’ve had my share of obnoxious people but this dude that Maria described was just on beyond crude. I try and keep this blog PG-13, you know, for the kids (nothing like a good “Hudsucker Proxy” reference to brighten the day), so I won’t repeat it here. Of course she is welcome to elaborate in the comments because they are, and always will be open to whatever anybody wants to say. The point is, people suck and I’m glad I don’t have to deal with them in that situation anymore… I have new and exciting ways to deal with people, like when your boss is in a pissy mood for no reason and is just on the warpath or having to just sit there and take it as a judge rips you a new one just because he can. *sigh*
Onto a happier note, MSU plays DUKE tonight at 7:10 PM EST!!! This is a huge game because Duke has really had State’s number for years but I think that Duke is really vulnerable this year so they have a shot. Actually, they always have a shot but for some reason MSU has the amazing ability to lose games for no reason at all. It’s a skill, what can I say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:03 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

JFS-1 ???
This is my blog... there is only one JFS here :)
Oh the joys of sharing initials with your father...
I also like that my dad has been reading this blog for months now and it took a good ol' GO GREEN, GO WHITE chant to get him to break the silence up:)
Love ya George!

2:36 PM  

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