Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Workin On The Railroad

Good Morning!
Well I’m here at work, waiting for a meeting so I thought that I’d post something real quick to let everybody know that even though I’m a big time lawyer type guy now, it doesn’t mean that I have forgotten all of you out in Blogger-Land :)
Work is OK… the learning curve is a little steep right now, but I’m sure things will come around real soon. The hardest part is just trying to find people that have time to sit down with me and explain what the hell they actually want! I hate the training process. I like it when I know enough to just work along and get things done without having to ask a million questions along the way.
Quick update on my sister… she goes home today!!! YAY!!! She still has a very long road to recovery, but I know for a fact that she is looking forward to getting back to her own place and most importantly, out of the hospital!
So I was driving to work this morning when I observed this strange phenomenon… I have observed this numerous times when I was in California and I guess it is pretty much universal… it’s the “drive real slow so you can see the accident on the side of the road” syndrome. Now I understand if it is blocking a lane or you want to show respect to the workers by not speeding by them while they work on somebody on the shoulder, but why do we need to slow down on the OTHER side of the highway!?!?!?! Have we never seen an accident before? Do the flashing lights of the EMS vehicle memorize us so much that we are inexplicably drawn to them? Just like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop... The world may never know.

Well… back to work :)


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