Friday, February 18, 2005


Well this is my first international post on my Blog. Right now, I am in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada... otherwise know as the coldest Mother F*$@'n place on earth! I know I have become a weather wimp but this is just insane!!! I drove through two different "White-Out" storms getting here, and now is just cold as hell! Yes, Hamilton is a long way from Anaheim. OK... Enough bitching.
So I had my interviews this week... One went well, the other not so much. My first interview was in St. Johns, Michigan on Wednesday. St. Johns is a little nothing of a two about 20 min north of Lansing and to say that they are a little small minded there is being polite. Near the end of the interview the partner I was interviewing with actually said, "You seem really cultured and intelligent person, and I really don't think you would fit in living and working in such a small town." OK, so it has nothing to do with my abilities as a lawyer, or my work experience, but rather you don't like be because I have actually lived in a big city? Well screw you! He was so closed minded that it actually made me sick. So Screw You St. Johns!!! I don't want to have anything to do with your bitch-ass city anyway!!! By the time I walked out of the interview I was just fuming. Can I help the fact that I actually got out and lived life? That I went places? That I know that Denny's is not fine dining? Well, at least the job paid practically nothing. I'm so much better off for not working there it's not even funny.
My second interview went much better... it's working for a small personal injury firm in Southfield, MI. It's close to Detroit and so that is a real selling point because apparently I can only live in big cities... The good news though is that they offered me the job! It dosen't pay very well but it is a place to start. Now I have to figure out a place to live for next to nothing, but I'll take care of that next weekend, after my sisters surgery.
Well I'm outta here...


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