Friday, February 04, 2005

Road Rage

Good Morning…
I don’t usually update this in the morning but I was exceptionally annoyed so I thought I would vent to the internet world. I just got back home from Irvine and I am totally fighting with everybody on the Highways!!! Driving on the highways regularly in LA and Orange County you sort of get used to people being stupid and if you drive them often enough you can actually feel the rhythm of the traffic. Somedays however, the rhythm is off and then you just want to break out your Nine and start blastin! Today was one of those days. I’m not sure why, but this one guy in his SUV (because EVERYBODY has an SUV out here in CA) starting flashing his headlights at me because I wasn’t going nearly as fast as he thought I should. Listen, on the 91 the speed limit is 65 MPH (that’s about 100 KPH for all you Canadians) and I was doing a conservative 75 MPH (120 KPH) because I actually like to leave proper spacing between myself and the car in front of me. I’ve seen enough accidents out here because of people slamming into one another due to improper spacing and I would prefer not to do that, silly me. Anyways, he was flashing his lights at me and yelling oh so colorful metaphors at me and it just drove me insane!!! This wasn’t the only person that was exceptionally obnoxious to me either… there was just something funky going on, on the highways this morning. I’m sorry, but I plan my life such that I have plenty of time to get where I need to be and I don’t have to drive like I’m playing “Rad Racer”. I couldn’t help but think of one of my fav quotes, “A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute a crisis on mine”.
Now pretty much everybody who drove with me while I was in Law School thought I drove WAY too slow to begin with. Well rest assured that I have sped up considerably during my time on the West Coast, but I still don’t drive like I’m playing a video game. On the O.C. recently they actually did say that “80 is the new 75”, but I’m not quite there yet… but give me a few more months and maybe…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, this is why I don't drive. That and I feel that I am being friendly(er) to our environment by taking public transportation. PLUS, if I'm late I always have the excuse of "the bus was so late today" and then people understand AND they feel bad for me having to wait outside. See? Public transportation is where it's at.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

The biggest problem is that there really isn't any public transportatin to speak of in LA and Orange County. Yes, there is a subway but it dosne't go anywhere I want to go. Yes, I could take a bus, but they get stuck in traffic just like everybody else and like the subway, they don't necessairly go where I want to go.
Interesting fact... Los Angeles used to have the nations most efficent public transportation system. However, all of the street cars were bought up by private companies and shut down to promote the new concept of "Freeways". This actually provided the insperation for the subplot in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". Learn something new every day

1:13 PM  

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