Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Well the honeymoon is almost over… I’m almost done basking in the afterglow of my bar passage. I cannot even express how good it feels to have this gigantic monkey off of my back. This whole bar exam thing has just hung over me for the past year and a bit and it was sort of unreal for the first couple of days. It wasn’t until Sunday that I think it really sunk in that I no longer have to study for the bar exam. The best part about this entire thing is that I DON’T HAVE TO DO ANY MORE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS!!!
So after celebrating probably too much, I have settled into what will probably be my routine for the foreseeable future… I started looking for a job. Now there is significantly less pressure on me now that I am licensed, but looking for a job is anything but fun.
OK, so back to more pressing things… TV and movies of course :)
I’m watching Las Vegas that I TiVo’d from last week. Good stuff!!! The whole “he said, she said” sexual assault thing is a great subject matter, if anything for the legal nightmare that it poses. If anybody is interested in a movie that deals with this subject on a really interesting way, check out Body Shots. I have to thank Pete for introducing me to that one. Speaking of Pete, he called me this evening to break some really sad news to me… He told me that he had officially given up on WWE RAW and was going to watch Las Vegas and Medium instead. The sad thing is, I can’t really blame him. When you produce crap week after week you risk alienating even the most loyal of fans. Which reminds me, just finished reading “The Death of WCW”. Great book! Makes me sad to remember back in the mid 90’s when there was so much good wrestling on TV. However, from 1999-2000 the death was really a mercy killing, never before had I watched such bad TV. At any rate, if you have any interest in wrestling at all it’s a great read.
Saw “Assault of Prescient 13” yesterday. Great popcorn movie. One you can just turn off your brain and just let it flow over you. This is certainly not a movie that will change your life or anything, but if you are looking for guns and blood then this is just the ticket.
Talked to my friend Melissa this evening and got her to log onto my blog for the first time. She wondered if I was worried that all my friends would just read my blog and then not feel the need to call me to see what is going on. I think posts like this illustrate what a moot point that is… I never really say anything constructive in my posts. I just sort of ramble and talk about random things that don’t really seem to go together at all. The sad thing is, it’s not that far off from listening to me talk in person, I sort of bounce between thoughts rather randomly all the time. But you all love me so no worries!
Well I’ll close with my fav statement of the day. It comes from an E mail I got from my friend Anne, “the best place to celebrate passing the Michigan bar, is at a Michigan bar”. I could not agree more and I look forward to celebrating all over again when I get back to Michigan.


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