Studying Sux

So this is going to be my home for the next 6 weeks. Ick, ick, ick, and ick again. I can't believe I'm studying for this friggin bar exam!!! If you notice the 5 books stacked up at the end of the table, that represents what I have to get through over the next few weeks. Now I know you wish you were me.

Poor you. I know how annoyed you are, but just think, soon it will all be over. You can relax under a Michigan palm tree and long for the days lost of only having to study. Believe me. It's true.
Hang in there kiddo.
It was great talking to you the other night. Call me when you get back to the arctic!
Hey there Cara!
Yeah, it was great talking to you too. For sure I'll give you a buzz when I get back to the great white north... burrrrr...
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