Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ramble On...

Here are a few random thoughts…

--Wow, was the Orange bowl a disappointment. Not that I’m a huge Oklahoma fan or anything, but for some reason I really hate USC. I think it’s because they remind me of the University of Michigan.

--Is anybody else as psyched about the new episode of “Lost” that is on tomorrow. So are they dead? Abducted by aliens? Part of a government plot? This isn't just a simple plane crash, right?

--“changes” by 2Pac has to be one of the most overlooked songs. I know I had forgotten about it until I heard it in the trailer for that new Samuel L. Jackson basketball movie, but I listened to it this evening and wow. It’s amazing when a performer uses their platform to really SAY something. I can’t even remember the last time a song on the radio actually said something. In the immortal words of Chuck D “the radio, the suckas never play me”.

--Speaking of Public Enemy, what the hell is with Flava Flav’s new reality show. I admit that the only time I broke my self imposed boycott of Reality TV was to watch him on the Surreal Life. What can I say, but Flava is awesome (Yeah, Boyeee). Sadness. I never thought I’d see the day when a member of PE would publicly whore themselves out like this. Then again, it’s not like it was Chuck D… then the world would officially be over. In a related note, I highly recommend checking out “Burn Hollywood, Burn” at your local Blockbuster/Hollywood Video if you get a chance. Chuck D and Coolio play the “Brothers, Brothers”. Great stuff.

--So I checked out the legal disclaimer on for information on their “Death of Late Fees” (yes, ever the lawyer). It’s actually an interesting concept. No they don’t charge you late fees, but if it is over seven days late they charge it off to your account so basically you just bought it (minus the rental fee of course). However, if you return in within thirty days, they will credit your account back. It’s an interesting concept, but I really wonder what it will do the availability of new releases. So basically, what you need to do now is go to Blockbuster on Tuesday, rent whatever just came out that you think you might want to watch on the weekend and then just keep it until then. I’m also curious as to what Hollywood Video will to in response.

--OK so I’m watching NWA/TNA right now. Wow does it suck. Jeff Jarrett will never be main event material. Kevin Nash couldn’t possibly look any slower and looks like he could break at any moment, Scott Hall is dressing like a gay cowboy for some reason, I can’t believe that DDP gave up a lucrative insurance settlement to come work for these people and don’t even get me started on the ridiculous booking of the promotion. One final thought… if you are a wrestler and you are getting so old and out of shape that you feel the need to now wear a shirt when you wrestle, it’s probably time to hang it up… yes I’m talking to you Scott Hall, Jake Roberts and Randy Savage (OH YEAH!).

--Anybody watch that new show “Committed” that was on tonight? I thought it was good, I just don’t know where it will go from here. I mean a guy lives in her closet... that is so "Real Genius". So I really liked the pilot, but then again, I’m the one who thought that the pilot for “Ferris Beuller, the series” had potential. Bottom line, I’m an idiot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tee hee. Was your brain on overload last night? Your random thoughts were indeed quite random. Do you just like to say things are random because Natalie Portman in Garden State kept refering to things as random?

But Flava. least it's not Chuck D, or Paris, or Mos Def (his show doesn't count)or Talib Kweli. The world has not yet come to an end. Never fear.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I LOVE Garden State :) I know I've mentioned that before but it deserves to be metioned again and often.
I'm still concerned about Missy Elliot's show. And don't get me started on "Rockstar" the search for the new INXS singer. Sadness...

1:01 AM  

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