Monday, January 10, 2005

So who is in charge of building the Ark?

So it has been raining here in Orange County for three days straight and it is really, really depressing. I know, I have spent most of my life in Southwestern Ontario and this weather is nothing new for the mid west, but this is BLOODY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!!!! It’s not supposed to be like this here! Granted, there is no snow, for which I am eternally grateful, but I could certainly use some sunshine in the near future. I is a really good thing we are up on top of the hill here and all the water is running down as they are having flash floods all over.
Come to think of it… the past year has produced some really odd events…
--There has been more rain in SoCal than there has been in 50 years,
--The Pistons won the NBA Championship,
--The Red Sox won the World Series.
--The Chargers got into the playoffs, granted they lost in the first round but still
(Just a little note… any of you hear the Chargers theme song? “San Diego, Super Chargers…” I think all football teams should have theme songs that were written in the 70s)

These things just don’t happen… No need to worry too much though, now if the Tigers actually started winning, I would start looking for the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

So I’m watching Desperate Housewives right now… It seems to be guilty pleasure #468 for me. I’m usually not a sucker for these one hour television dramas, but this season I have fallen pray to two of them. Desperate Housewives and Lost. It’s a good think I have no life right now, otherwise how would I find time to watch all this TV… HA!

This was a slow weekend here in Blog-town. Not only did I not update it, but I only had 3 visitors all weekend!!! So where are you people!?!?!?! I’m not going to have to start mass emailing you all again now am I.

Well that’s all for this evening… “good night and have a pleasant tomorrow”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw pictures of the flash floods on the news. Those are some pretty big flash floods! Like I said before, at least you're not stuck in a tsunami? You are my sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey...

Desperate Housewives. I think this show is awesome. At first I was thinking it would be highly offensive and annoying. But after some pondering, I figured out why I like it so much. It reminds of the book the Feminine Mystique. Poor housewives have been desparate since the dawn of time! This show will do for housewives what that book did in the 60's. Plus, it's an interesting take on what a gay man thinks a rich woman's life is like. But on top of all that, it is wildly entertaining.


7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just watched the news. You're on the mountain and not in danger of having any flooding, right? Do you run the risk of having mudslides? Stay out of the back yard! And save Buster! Poor Buster!

10:44 AM  

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