Thursday, January 06, 2005

Just a Quickie

Hey all...
Well I've been feeling kinda crappy today so just a small post this evening. Think it's a combination of crappy weather and lots of stress. I can't even express how much I don't want to study right now, not a good thing to have right now.
Random Thought -- Watching "Futurerama" right now. Bender is going through cooking training and they are playing the song from the All Valley Karate Championship in the "Karate Kid". "You're the best, around... Nothing ever going to bring you down..." *sigh* It's sad how happy a good Karate Kid reference can make me:)
So today was the first day where it didn't rain in almost two weeks... Still bloody cold but at least the sun came out for a while.
So I discovered this evening that I have offically joined the internet community. You can now find this page by doing an MSN or Yahoo! search. I'm still not on Google yet but hopefully soon. You ever Google yourself? (mind out of the gutter) I was hoping to unlock some secret about myself that even I didn't know... or even better... a secret stalker site dedicated to me. No such luck. Just a quote from when I was interviewed for the "State News" and a pic of me at a law school function. Yep, it's official... I'm boring.
Well I'm off to bed... good night and remember "Sweep the Leg".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sweep the Leg"? I think a little "Toe Pick" is more like it. What I wouldn't give for a little sunlight right about now! I haven't actually seen the sun since sometime in November! That's T.O. for you-livin' up to all those U.S. stereotypes.


8:53 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Sorry to break this to you Bry... but there is no sun in SoCal right now either. I'm a little bummed but that's nothing compaired to what the locals are doing. They have no idea what is going on! Poor saps... I'd feel sorry for them if I didn't know that things will turn around by next week and everybody in the midwest will still be frozen!
Oh... I thought the "sweep the leg" quote might be a little obscure. It's another Karate Kid reference because I'm a geek like that.

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryan is right. It is extra miserable on the Ontario front. The weather is no good (although it was beautiful today) I think I am still suffering ramifications from the -46 over Xmas.

11:06 PM  

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