Friday, February 04, 2005

Skool Daze

Good evening. Well I’m just sitting here watching the 2003 version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and kind of grossing myself out so I thought that I’d take my mind off the fun loving cannibals of the Loan Star State and post something. Now I usually think that remakes are a bad idea (Psycho is a good example) and This flick isn’t really changing my opinion of this. Part of the appeal of the original TCM was that it was kind of grainy and gritty… almost had a snuff film vibe about it. This one is way too clean. Production values are too high and it is now just another teen horror movie, rather then the OG of slasher flicks.
Which leads me to the topic of this post… why are things that are old always considered better. I was thinking about this lately when I was cleaning out some of my old high school and college notes and materials and looking over some of the books and plays that I studied and wondered why they are still teaching this stuff. I guarantee that schools across the country still have the various plays by Shakespeare and some of the dumbest “classic” literature. Now I did read some good books in my studies… I thoroughly enjoyed “Gate To Woman’s Country” and “A Handmaids Tale”. But those were the exceptions. I guess my main point is why aren’t there more courses studying contemporary art and literature? What makes Shakespeare more worthy of study than say the study of a screenplay by David Mammet? Song lyrics in particular can provide incite into the culture of the time. Whether it is the protests songs of the 60’s, or the hip hop of the 80’s. Chuck D even said that rap music is the CNN of the Ghetto. Remember that just because something is old, doesn’t make it good.
You know, at some point I should really turn a random thought like this into an actual essay and really flesh out some of my ideas. But that sounds way too much like school… HA! Instead, I’m just going to put my thoughts out there for you all to read and then you can respond if you like.
Well I’m off… I have to go watch like 78 episodes of Aqua Teen in order to get the TCM images out of my brain before I go to bed. I’m such a dumbass…


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