Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Things That Make You Go Hummm...

Hey all! Well it’s random thought time again…. Yeah, as if anything on this blog is NOT actually random… HA!

--Isn’t it kind of funny that Paul McCartney was considered the “safe” choice to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. I mean it wasn’t all that long ago that Sir Paul and his three mop topped friends were accused of contributing to the delinquency of our youth. It really makes you wonder… at Super Bowl XXXXIX are we going to see Marilyn Manson and 50 Cent wheel themselves to the field to perform because the artists of that time are considered too extreme?

--Well the NFL sponsors failed me this past Sunday. I thought I had created the ultimate football drinking game. The game goes like this… you take a shot every time you hear the phrase “4 hour erection”. Where were you Viagra? Where were you Ciallis? I only heard the phrase ONCE in the 3 hour program! During the regular season I am guaranteed to have at least on errectyl disjunction advertisement every commercial break because after all, the NFL is “family entertainment”. Oh well… maybe next year.

--Speaking of the Super Bowl commercials… I thought they were a little weak this year. I liked the Mustang ad with the frozen guy in the convertible, I also like the Pepsi ad with P. Diddy. I was however, really disappointed with the Brad Pitt/Heineken ad. I was excited about this because it reunited him with the director from Fight Club (one of my all time fav movies). Well the ad turned out to not only be unimaginative, but actually kind of boring.

--Now I hate to admit it, but I was actually looking forward to the cartoons AFTER the Super Bowl than the actual game itself. Now I’m a big NFL fan but I was really indifferent towards the two teams. I mean it is not like the Lions were actually playing… HA! However, after the game I did have an episode of “The Simpsons” and the debut of “American Dad”. The Simpsons was just great. I love it when they have really random jokes and the Mario/Donkey Kong reference was awesome. Plus, we found out the real name of Comic Book Guy (Jeff Albertson) and the website that he gave is actually real! Check it out at www.dorks-gone-wild.com. Now I am really torn when it comes to American Dad. I really wonder how they are going to write an entire show around what seems to be one joke. Furthermore, I really think what makes a successful show is balance between the major and minor characters. The Simpsons has it in that each member of the family has a strong character and even some of the seemingly minor residents of Springfield are strong enough to carry at least the B story of an episode. The same can be said for the Family Guy, but that doesn’t seem to be the case from the first episode of American Dad. The major problem is that the Dad himself seems to be too powerful of a character that he overshadows everybody else. Now this is just the first episode so I will reserve judgment until I’ve seen at least three more. After all, I’m the one who liked the pilot of “Committed”… I’m an idiot.

Well I’ll leave you this evening with a few parting thoughts….

Movie to Rent:
“Party Monster”
Watched it this afternoon and I can honestly say that I was impressed. I’m not sure if it was that I really wasn’t expecting anything and it turned out to be pretty darn good or the fact that anytime you mix John Stamos and Marilyn Manson with Fez from That 70’s Show and Seth Green you get something good.

My iPod playlist this week:
“Grrl Rock”
Pretend That We’re Dead – L7
Volcano Girls – Veruca Salt
Stutter - Elastica
TKO - Le Tigra
24 – Jem
Supervixen – Garbage
Drop Dead Gorgeous – Republica
Stars – Dubstar
Up Here – Powder



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, how can you have a play list dedicated to grrrls and have no Kathleen Hanna? The woman coined the godforsaken term grrrl in the mid 90's. She even got beat up by Courtney Love for heaven's sake. You don't get more grrrlier than her. (not even if you're PJ Harvey!) So, I think you should add some Le Tigre or Bikini Kill (who I find too noisy) and have yourself a good ole ode to Kathleen Hanna. I want a shirt that says "What Would Kathleen Hanna Do?"

Speaking of girlie music...the new Portishead. I am a little nervous that now's not the right time. I think it comes out soon. I sure hope they evolved.
M (MODzilla)

2:54 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Stilly Madhavi :)
You have to remember that this is only a partial playlist as I'm still in Calli and only have a few select CDs and MP3s with me out here. I did add TKO by Le Tigra becaue you are right that was an obvious omission. I also added Stutter by Elastica because I forgot to include it originally. Anyways... I also updated the Simpsons posting a link to the Comic Book Guy's website. Fun stuff!!

Yeah, I'm a little worried about the new Portishead album as well. I LOVED "Dummy" but wasn't all that fond of their second album. I know that Bry really liked it, but it just never grew on me. I guess "Dummy" just has a special place for me in that it reminds me of sitting in Laura's room in Lambton Hall when I was a freshman at Guelph. Ahhh... memories:)
You are so right though, this is completely the wrong time to release anything Trip/Hop as that is just not the scene anymore. Not that I don't long for the days of Tricky, but I just have to accept the fact that I'm old now and don't understand all the music of those crazy kids :)

1:09 PM  

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