Monday, February 21, 2005

The Waiting Game

Well I'm still here in Canada... I have really plunged into my first winter in two years head first. I had to dig little car out of a giant snowbank this morning. I can't tell you how much I have missed shoveling snow... *SIGH*
I leave Hamilton tomorrow to drive down to London (where I grew up) to pick up my sister and then we leave for Toronto at an ungodly hour in order to get there by 8:00am. Ick, Ick, Ick!!!
I must say that my sister is holding up great! The worst part is always the waiting before the big event. She has said that she just wants it to be over, and I can't blame her. I get completely bent out of shape waiting for things to happen... I'm usually very patient person but when I know something big is comming up I am a wreck. I get so nervous before I get on an airplane, before a big move or even before the bar exam, but these are nothing compaired to what it must be like waiting for your open heart surgery. Like I have said many times before, she is the strongest person I have ever known.
Also, this my be my last post for the week as I won't have internet access in the hotel room. I know you all will miss me so... ok maybe not.
Anways, if you get a chance, sometime Thrusday if you could say a little prayer, send some good energy or even just some happy thoughts over to Toronto for my sister it would be greatly appreciated.
Talk to you all soon...


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