Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Final Four

Good Morning…
I thought I’d start this post with an exuberant
It’s hard to believe that in the 9 years that T. to the IZZO has been coaching he has taken MSU to the final four, four times now. Not to mention the fact that he how has the best NCAA tournament record of all active coaches. All this and I still don’t feel like Izzo gets enough credit.
Anyways, so I rediscovered that I really don’t like coffee again this morning. Usually I’m a Diet Coke in the morning kinda guy, but today I was just really dragging ass so I thought I would take the step up and have some coffee. Yep… still don’t like it. I would literally cringe after every sip, and this is after dumping a bunch of coffee mate into it. I decided that the best way to actually get though the cup was to “chase” each sip with raisins (they were the only thing I had at my desk). So this is me this morning…


How do people drink this stuff!?!?!?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmmmm....coffee...How could you NOT drink it? I know...it's because you have some non-Tim Horton's coffee. You should graduate to tea. Either black or green works just fine. Full of caffeine. Coke in the morning is B.A.D.

1:15 PM  

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