Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Little Bit of the Mind Flip

I don’t profess to know everything… but I know a lot. Unfortunately most of it revolves around random pop culture trivia that wouldn’t even get me on Jeopardy!

For instance…

- I know absolutely nothing about cars. I mean I know to change the oil and can pump my own gas and stuff, but it pretty much ends there. Quite literally, if my car stops and it’s not because it’s on “E”, I’m screwed.

- I can’t do math in my head any longer. I was never all that stellar at doing math in my head to begin with, but now I’m completely useless. Was working on compiling something yesterday and my boss asked me what 123.34 x 12 was and I almost cried. Give me a pen and paper and I’m OK… better yet, give me a calculator dammit!! What is this, 1985!

- Speaking of the 80’s. I don’t understand why some bands “back in the day” decided to have self-titled SONGS! Now I understand self titled albums, it’s simple and effective… but a song? It is especially sad when their big song is their self titled one… see, “Big Country”, by Big Country or “Talk, Talk” by…well Talk, Talk.

Well just a short post today… too much to do and not enough time… as usual…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You never could do math in you head worth beans - and now - well if you don't use it you loose it!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I could do some!!!
I wasn't a human calculator or anything, but I wasn't useless...

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, now I know you are not good with cars, but I must say that you are pretty good at pulling out car stereos with limited tools. Not that that skill is something that will get you very far in life, but it is definitely something. You gotta remember the little things.


12:40 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Yeah... I am a regular car thief :)
Of course it takes me like 25 min. to rip out a radio and I prety much destroy the dash in the process. But you are right, I have to focus on the little things... I may not be able to rebuild the engine, but I can rip out a stereo when needed,
Now only if I could figure out how to put one in.... :)

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay - I stand corrected you could do math in your head - sorry!

12:10 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I was "serviceable" at best when doing math in my head... how about that... :)

Yeah... "Big Country" was/is a great song...
True story: Was at a party somewhere in Hollywood a couple of years ago when the DJ put it on. A friend of mine turned to me and asked who it was and I said "Big Country"... she replied, "no, who SINGS it?"..
Me, "Big Country"...
Needless to say she was confused/irritated with me and dropped it.
I've been known to be a little bit of an ass when it comes to things like this, (I totally related to being an "unappreciated scholar" a la High Fidelity), but this time I was telling the truth!
Sometimes you just can't win :)

12:29 PM  

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