Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Quick Hits

--Saw Episode III on the weekend. Through all of its faults, I still loved it. I think it has something to do with the fact that it was the first SW prequel that I have walked out of feeling satisfied at the end. We saw Darth Vader, the Emperor, and the clone army finally started acting like Stormtroopers. Yes, there were some incredibly lame parts to it, but taken as a whole, I thoroughly enjoyed it. So take that all you fanboy haters!

-- Just picked up the new Gorillaz album. LOVE the single, Feel Good Inc., still torn about the rest of the album. It’s not nearly as accessible as their first album. Think it will take a few listening to before I really get what I want out of it.

-- Is it just me or does the new buff Trent Reznor look kinda like Tony Danza? I’m just sayin…

-- Loving the Scrubs Season One box set! This has to be the best show on TV, which means that it will probably be cancelled soon. And yes, I noticed that it is not on NBC’s fall lineup – but it’s just on hiatus so Zach Braff can shoot a movie.

-- I totally kicked ass in my first appearance in traffic court. The son of one of the secretaries here was caught going 78 in a 50. (for all of my Canadian friends, that’s like going 125 in an 80). So they sent me to his formal hearing just to see what I could do. It could not have gone better! I schmoosed with the cop and prosecutor before hand and ended up pleading it down to “Impeding Traffic”, $100 fine and no points. Not bad for going almost 30 over the limit.

-- Pistons are up 1-0 in the Eastern Conference finals… Without Shaq at full strength Miami has no chance at all. GO PISTONS!!!

-- Hope everybody up north had a great MAY 2-4 weekend!

-- Not sure what I’m doing for memorial day yet, I’m just praying I don’t have to come into the office… The real world sux yo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you've been having fun! Of course, I have been privy to every single little detail!

The new Common is awesome! Sounds like a Common album and not a Kanye album. I was worried. This is turning out to be a great music year! There hasn't been anything good for years and all of a sudden, everyone's discs are awesome! Yippee!

And yes, the real world does indeed suck, yo. I am at home (on a break) from my computery stuff that I can't do at work. For anyone else reading this who has not heard of my new job issues all I have to say is DIAL UP...

12:03 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Yeah, I can't believe your office only has dial up! That is ridiculi (which of course is the plural of ridiculous).

I must agree with your good music statement. Last year was decent, but only 5 months into the year and I feel like I'm constantly heading to the record store.

On an anti-good music note.. Just saw Eminem's new video for "Ass Like That"... ugh is all I can say. I'm a fan of Triumph and of Crank Yankers but I literally had to turn down the volume. What is it with people releasing utterly unlistenable singles? Gwen's "HollerBackGirl" is grating to me, but it's a fun video.

1:29 PM  

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