Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Long Weekend's Over Blues..

Hope everybody had a great long weekend! I had a great one (despite the Pistons losing on Sunday). So much so that it was literally painful to come back to work this morning. But I’m here extra early so I thought that I’d throw a little something up for my faithful bloggers :)

-- I have a problem… I can’t stop buying DVDs. It’s not like I even want to watch most of the ones I buy… I just need to possess them. Is there any legitimate reason one must own “Summer School”??? How many times can one person watch “EuroTrip”? Now I don’t regret buying “Shaun of the Dead” this weekend as I’ve already watched it twice. The sad thing is, buying DVD’s is the only thing that keeps me going to the grocery store! I try and time my food shopping by when I know they have a new stock of $9.99 DVDs. Well at least it’s keeping me eating.

-- I have an even bigger problem… I don’t think Paris Hilton’s single sucks. You have no idea how distressing this is for me! It is a typical dance track, and I’m a sucker for that “Euro-homo” sound (as Mod would say). It’s not that she is a great singer either, they have put such a distortion on her voice that it could have been almost anybody. But without a doubt she go the best producer/DJ money could buy because it is really well done. I also find it perversely amusing that the title of the track is “screwed”… how poetic for Pairs :)

-- I think I’m still in denial that I’m an actually attorney now. I try and dress up a little for work, its business casual in the office so I only need a suit when I go to court. I usually wear a button down shirt and some kakis, but I can’t seem to give up my Vans. I figure they are black and comfortable so good enough right? After all, as Morgan Freedman said in Shawshank “How often to you really look at a man’s shoes?”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Often... silly boy don't you know girls notice shoes? :)Mel

7:03 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Well then I may never stop wearing my Vans... cuz all the girls in the office adore me :) (as usual). It's my quiet rebellion against "the man".

OK... so I have had some very concerned emails and phone calls regarding this post so I must clarify. I do not LIKE Paris, I just don't hate her song like I probably should :)

8:25 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Mod and I have come up with many a unique word or phrase (BTW… she HATES it when I mention her here :) )
Our favorite thing to do is pluralize things that just don’t have plurals. I use “ridiculoui”, the plural of ridiculous, quite often…
As for the random buying of DVD's... um... yeah... I have a problem.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jackass, what the hell is new, well the tigers don't suck as bad this year and the london knights had the best junior hockey season ever---can you guess who this is yet. does the fact that I always chose "cinder" in "Killer Instinct" help.
well I will check back and see if your memory is sharper than you wardrobe.

3:11 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Hummm... don't know what #11 means... but you played "Killer Instinct" so that means you lived in Lambton Hall your first year... now "cinder" is a hard one...
Your IP address says you are in Ottawa, but that isn't always that reliable... However, oh so pleasant greeting of "hey jackass" leads me to believe that it could be D-Wheels... but I'm not sure.

10:11 AM  

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