Wednesday, June 29, 2005


You ever sit around the dinner table with your family in silence and just wish that someone could get the conversation started… well wish no more. Your good friends at KFC are here to help. Check out this blurb from their website..

Don't let not having time to cook ruin the whole meal.

No time to cook? Don't worry! Stop by your local KFC and pick up a delicious, already-prepared complete family meal at an affordable price. With options like Original Recipe®, Extra Crispy™ and Colonel's Crispy Strips® chicken and Popcorn Chicken with home-style sides you are sure to find a variety of foods the whole family will enjoy.
A bucket full of your favorite chicken is also a perfect for a family dinner "on-the-go" -whether at the soccer match or softball game!

Use some conversation starters.
Discuss current favorites (song, movie, etc.)
Tell funny
stories / jokes
Discuss/plan a vacation
Famous people admired/would most
like to meet
Current affairs
Weekend plans
Plan an
event/activity (birthday, next family meal theme)
Things to change/improve
around the house
New thing(s) learned that day

A message from KFC, buckets of chicken, helpings of hope…
Now excuse me, I have to go shoot myself in the head…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...I guess there's nothing a heapful of genetically modified 'chicken' can't fix! Has it really come down to this? Families are so dysfunctional that they need KF-freaking-C to rescue them? Sound the alarm bells...

6:19 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

After some very worried phone calls, I suppose I should clarify that I'm not upset or depressed or anything... Doing quite well actually :) However, this KFC site had to be one of the more depressing things I had seen in awhile. What makes it even worse is that I DO think that some families need help communicating. We have become a nation of zombies plugged into our televisions and cell phones such that we don't actually know how to converse with one another in person. Don't get me wrong, I to am a TV, internet, cell phone, and iPod junky, but I also can talk your ear off when in person. But more importantly, I know when to shut up and listen. I'm not talking about just waiting for your turn to speak either, I mean really listening. I think that if more people actually sat down and listened to what other people had to say it would alleviate a lot of tension in this world.
OK... my philosophizing is done.. now I can get back to bitching about pop music and reality TV :)

7:57 AM  
Blogger Horsey said...

My housemates and I eat KFC all the time. It always sounds like a good idea before the meal, and afterwards we are usually unconscious so I don't know about the ill effects.

As for the conversation starters they provide, I find them invaluable.

"So what did you learn today Benny?"

"I learned that if you don't shut the fuck up and let me eat chicken I'll rape you in your dreams tonight."

"Charming. I call dibs on that leg. Hey wtf I called dibs!"

"I call dibs on your mother. Har har har."

See KFC makes my life better.

12:57 PM  

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