Friday, June 24, 2005


Good news, bad news…

The bad news is that the NBA Finals are over and the Pistons lost… The good news is that I finally get my life back! It is crazy how much these playoffs have ruled my life for the past two months!! 25 playoff games = 25 nights (usually weeknight) of going out, drinking, and just generally staying up way too late. The stress involved in these games has also taken a toll on me. I’m not even all that happy when we win; it’s more of a relief.

Last year every game was special because nobody, not even the people in Detroit, thought that we were going to win it all. We were just more excited to be here, no pressure. This year it’s just been stressful as hell because of expectations being the defending champion.

All and all, it was a good run, good series and we lost to a good team. So on that note, thanks Sheed, Billups, Prince, Rip, Big Ben, Hunter, and Dice for a great run… we’ll see you next year.


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