Tuesday, January 31, 2006

No Scrubs!

I really try not to get political on this blog but there are just some things that I cannot and will not ignore. Just when I thought the political climate in this country could not be any worse, President Bush goes and commits the ultimate atrocity... he bumped SCRUBS! Yes, it’s shocking I know. Tonight he is holding the State of The Union Address a 9:00 pm thereby forcing NBC to show his babblings and not my beloved Scrubs!!! Come on now! Doesn’t President Bush realize that SCRUBS was a mid season addition to the NBC line up and therefore should be exempt from his presidential bumpage? I guess on the bright side, at least it wasn’t on a Wednesday... I would REALLY be mad if I missed LOST.
In other news, I’ve been playing around on myspace quite a bit lately. So yes, apparently I’m still in highschool. But really, it’s a great way to keep in contact with friends all over the country. So pop by my little spot there at:


Make sure to turn your speakers up while you are there as well! I have the new single from She Wants Revenge as my theme song. Speaking of which, their new album comes out TODAY! I haven’t been this excited about a new band in quite awhile. They have a very Joy Division/Interpol/New Order sound to them. Very retro without sounding dated

Monday, January 23, 2006


OK... I think I've fixed the comments. So now anybody can post...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Oxygen requires Chuck Norris to Live

So this is one of my new obsessions... the Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator. Click here check it out.

Once again... yes I know... I'm a huge nerd.

Oh, and if you get a chance, check out the blog, "Out of the Bryan Pan". My best good friend Bry has finally decided to update his blog. The link is on the right.

So I have enabled anon posts again. I HATE anon posts, but I figure I might spark some activity here again. You will also notice that you have to type in a security word to post. That is to prevent the blog spammers... damn spammers *shakes fist defiantly*

Short post, but it's all the time I have as LOST is about to come back from commercial :)

One last thing... a big "what up" to whoever spent a half hour today reading my Blog at the Toronto Public Library :) Next time drop me a line too!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Holiday Hangover

Well the holidays are now officially a memory and all I am left with is a crappy Michigan winter. For the record, I HATE January and February. It’s nothing but gray and gloom and cold. Actually, it hasn’t been all that cold thus far, but the lack of sunshine is just killing me! I am convinced that the sun doesn’t actually come up in the morning. When I leave for work, it’s dark… when I get out of work, it’s dark. If I sound a little bitter, it’s because I am. This is my first Michigan winter in three years and I plan on bitching about it the entire time :)

I get a little down after the holidays. From October, through December is my favorite time of year and after that I can’t help but feel a little let down. The holidays are certainly a cruel mistress. Seriously though, it’s like I get back together and break up with the holidays every year. Come October, I’ll be all excited again with Halloween coming up, and then Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to… but right now, I’ve boxed up all my Christmas movies and decorations and put them into storage because it’s just too painful to look at. I’m the type of person who has trouble even watching a Christmas episode of Friends when it’s not the holiday season. It just makes me sad. Yes, I know that I am officially a freak, I’m OK with it :)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Holiday Pics... better late then never

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!! It's taken me a little longer than I would have liked to get these pics up. It really feels like I have been running non stop for the past two months, especially for the past two weeks. So here are a few pics from my time out in California... enjoy :) Posted by Picasa

This is Newport Beach... one of my fav places on earth!! What I love is that it was December 23rd and I was at the friggin beach!!!  Posted by Picasa

The surf was good all week. I don't surf myself, but for some reason I love watching them out there.  Posted by Picasa

While we were at Newport, this dude caught a starfish. Don't know why I found it so cool... but I did. More importantly, why did I take a picture of some random guy?  Posted by Picasa
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