Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back For More

Well I'm here for my bi-yearly post. Actually, I think it's been almost a full year since I was last on here. Anyways, what's new in the JAYded world...

  • First and foremost, I got engaged this past Friday to Madhavi (aka Robot Girl)!!! It's funny because it came as a big surprise to a lot of my friends, but after dating for 7 years you would think they would be expecting it. Maybe they were just shocked that I'm actually going to settle down. Well folks, I may be getting married, but there is no chance this kid is settling down :)
  • I started to lay the foundation to my fledgling record label, Very JAYded Records. When I say that it is in the early stages that is a complete understatement. I'm in the process of setting up PO Boxes in Toronto, Detroit and LA to solicite demos. I'm also going to try and get an old friend of mine that I reconnected with on facebook to do up some art for the logo soon.
  • Speaking of Facebook... I have become completely addicted. It has been a real trip reconnecting with some people that I haven't seen for literally a decade sometimes. If you aren't on it already, get on it, it's a blast.
  • I moved! Well not far, but I'm now on my own officially. It's weird not having a roommate but it gets rid of the awkward stares when I "air dry" after the shower :)
Well that's all for now... it's been so long since I posted that I'm not sure how many people actually check this anymore, but I do have every intention to post more often now.
Until next time;
Be Excellent to Each other
Party on Dudes!
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