Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas, Christmas Time is Here...

Happy Holidays!!!

Hands down, this is my fav time of year… no doubt about it. In fact, I’m willing to overlook the fact that it’s cold as hell and there is snow and ice everywhere because it is Christmas time. Come January however, I have no time for the cold and we should just jump to spring.

Anyways, I’ve been having a serious debate with my roommate as to what the best Christmas movie actually is. But since I’m the only one with a blog, my list wins!!! :)

1. Christmas Vacation
Hands down, THE best holiday movie EVER!!! Not even the release of Christmas Vacation 2 last year could diminish how perfect this movie is. I could literally recite every line from this flick and on Friday night, Ryan Allison and I almost did (sorry Ruthie). The scene that sums up everything for me is when the family is arriving and you hear the doorbell go from a pleasant chime to almost a death toll. Yep, that’s pretty much the universal signal that family has arrived. “I’m going to go park the cars, and I’ll be outside… for the season”

2. A Christmas Story
Growing up, I didn’t have TNT in Canada… but we did have WUAB Cleveland! Why London, Ontario Canada carried a station out of Cleveland I have no idea, but this is the channel that showed A Christmas Story relentlessly. What I love about this movie is that it reminds me of when Christmas was simple… Not that I don’t enjoy it now, but when you have a “real job” it’s just not the same. I miss having two weeks off for the holidays… now they expect me to work… jerks. All I know is that Christmas doesn’t officially start until I sit in front of the TV with a huge glass of egg nogg and some cracking nuts to watch this movie.

3. Scrooged
This is my roommate’s vote for number one. It certainly is classic, but I just can’t put it above Christmas Story or Vacation. This was during the period where Bill Murray could do no wrong. What the hell happened? Yes he has reinvented himself as a mopy dramatic actor, but it just isn’t the same.

4. The Santa Clause
Probably the most controversial pick. It’s new, it’s a Tim Allen flick and has a less than spectacular sequel, but I love it!!

5. The Ref
I could have gone with “It’s a Wonderful Life”, or “Meracle on 34th Street”, but instead I go with The Ref. And why? I have no clue… it just became a tradition around my house to watch this at the holidays. Plus, it’s Dennis Leary… nuff said.

Honorable Mention
Die Hard
It’s a Christmas movie dammit!


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