Sunday, December 11, 2005


Oh what a difference a year makes... One year ago this very evening, I started this blog. At that point, I was back in California, depressed and unemployed.

Things have really changed. I've had two jobs (one really crappy, and one that I have thoroughly enjoyed so far), I'm back in Michigan, and although I still feel like my life is a little crazy, but I am certainly in a much better place mentally.

The more things change, the more things stay the same... Last year at this time, I was bitching and moaning about the Lions... that hasn't changed... in fact I'm about to watch them suck on ESPN's nationally televised game. I can't even put into words the frustration that I feel being a Lions fan.

Well that's all for now... my posts are getting shorter and shorter, but hopefully I'll have more up soon!!


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