Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Catching Up With Jay

Yeah, I suck... I haven't updated in FOREVER!!! Anyways....

-- Saw M.I.A. in Toronto last week with Robot Girl. GREAT concert! My only gripe was that the doors opened at 8:00pm and she didn't come on till after 11:00pm. Normally that wouldn't annoy me, but this was a bloody Monday night and I had to get back to Detroit in the morning:( not good times. The concert more than made up for it though. She does the cutest little bad dance moves ever!!!

--I am still devastated from MSU's loss this past weekend. It wasn't even the game so much that annoyed me, it was the gigantic jerks that sat next to us at the bar. I have never met a woman who I have loathed more than this dumbass Michigan fan. Whenever MSU would take control of the game she would slink over and say "that's OK, we always thought of ourselves as an academic school". When UoM would go up it was, "see how much better we are, I would never hire any of you!". See, I don't care about a little sports banter, in fact I enjoy it at a game, but why get personal! What a bitch! (and anybody who knows me, knows I don't use that term lightly) Anyways, by the end of the game I didn't even care if State won, I just wanted to end this woman. Kept my cool though... It also sucked going into work yesterday as I work with WAY too many wolverine.

--So I've notice that I have a regular reader Plymoth, Michigan, as well as one in East Lansing... That is so cool... I just have no idea who I know these places. So if you are out there Plymoth and EL dudes, drop me a line!

Well I'm off... not much going on this week so hopefully I'll be back soon!!!


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