Thursday, August 04, 2005

IMDB is one of my favorite sites ever. I’m a movie junkie (as most know) so it’s perfect when you have those, “yeah, [blank] was awesome in that… wonder what else they were in”, moments. I was first introduced to the site way back in 2002 when I worked for First Look Pictures and had to look up production information and other fun stuff. When I was still working in Hollywood I dreamed that someday I would be able to type “Jason Seifert” into IMDB and it would come up with my bio and such… even if it was only as the second line producer on some B Horror movie. Well, just for kicks, today I entered my name to see what would come up and I think I am scarred for life. Just click here to see what I’m talking about….

So you see?!?!!? It appears that I am a PORN DIRECTOR!!! Well bully for me!
Oh, it gets better… it seems that not only do I share the name of a director of pornography, but this Jason Seifert is also married to some PORN STAR!!

My mother will be so proud.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even tell you how hard I am laughing right now! You just made my day. First the hot gay Jason Seifert and now the pornographer. Seems like you were born to sin! Get thee to a nunnery, handle some snakes, swim in holy water, do a pilgrimmage into the mountains in India and maybe you will come out straight and narrow! Ha! Ha! Ha!

8:21 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Well I'm so glad that I made somebody's day :) I had always hoped that with a generally uncommon last name like "Seifert" that I could really make my mark on something... but it looks like I'm a little too late. *sigh* Oh well, it's not like I have the same name as people doing embarrissing things... OH WAIT... I DO!!! At least these other "Jason's" aren't making national news or anything. It's not like I'm a prosecutor in Detroit named Luke Skywalker. :) (for all of you who don't know, there actually is a prosecutor with that name.. loser ;) )

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well son, you have been busy haven't you!??! Yes, yes - your mother and I are so proud to see you succeed. We always knew you had it in you - about coming home for a visit - please call first to make sure we are home and haven't moved or changed the locks at the very least. And about bringing your new wife home to meet your family - again call first so we can notify the press and anyone else you need to keep your profile high and your wife and you in the public eye.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

My father ladies and gentelmen... supportive to the very end :)

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bry-guy says:

You know, I've always thought you had these "Natural Needs" for the spotlight. I wasn't really sure where it would lead. Gay and married to a woman with a pseudonym. Wow, what will you get up to next? See your girlfriend (on top of all the other stuff) and your parents are sooo proud and as your best friend I have to say,
When do I get to play with Chloe's 34EE's?

7:22 PM  
Blogger Lara said...

Wow, nice. And you always wondered about those "blacked out" periods of your life. Well, now you know you weren't drunk, just doing porn.

I love IMDB, too. It is an instant bet-winner. "No, dude, I swear, it was Val Kilmer." "Nope, Russell Crowe." [pulls up IMDB] "Man, I TOLD you it was Val. Give me $10!"

8:37 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Anon Mid Girl -- come to think of it... there are large portions of the late 90's and early 00's that I don't really remember... you may be onto something :)

Bry -- I think Chloe is a little too much "woman" for you B :) In the wise words of Anthony Michael Hall in 'Weird Science'... "anything more than a handful, and you're risking a sprained tongue" :)

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMBD is one of my favorite favorite sites too! It's great for figuring out what obscure movie you know an actor from. Also great for playing the Kevin Bacon game.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

There is actually a great site out there for the Kevin Bacon game... don't have the link right now, but just type "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" into google and it's the first site.

3:01 PM  

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