Sunday, October 30, 2005


OK... so I didn't really post much on my vacation :) Oops!

I did end up having a REALLY good time though. It was a total decompression that I needed and that is exactly what I got. I rested, relaxed and most importantly, I didn't have to deal with the BS that has become my work. Unfortunately, I have to leave Sunny California today in favor of bitch-ass cold Michigan :(

I do miss my friends there though... I am in need of some serious "quality time" with Veito (translation: Madden, darts, and drinking), I miss BW's with Ruthie, and of course, hanging with Robot Girl. Don't get me wrong, I miss the PEOPLE at work too, just not the work itself! I work with the best group of people that I could ever ask for and that's what keeps me going every day.

So it is definately bitter sweet as I come to the end of my vacation. I'll miss my fam and my dog, but I am looking forward to getting back to the people I care about.

See ya'll soon!!

One more thing... OK it's killin me... who in Okemos keeps checking my blog? I didn't think I knew anybody in the EL still... and if you are out there, why haven't I crashed at your place after the STATE games?????


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