Thursday, March 16, 2006

March Madness

Every now and then an invention or idea comes along that changes the way we view the world. The lightbulb, the telephone, Eienstein’s theory of Relativity, sliced bread... all of these pale in comparison to CBS Sportsline streaming EVERY game of the NCAA tournament for free over the internet. I get a little choked up when I think about it. The utter brilliance of this innovation cannot even begin to be fathomed until you experience it yourself.

As with most of the working pinons of the world, I miss the afternoon games on the Thursday and Friday of March Madness... arguably the biggest Sporgy (that’s a sports orgy, thanks JT) days of the year. But now, I can listen and "occasionally" take some time to watch the games from my own office PC. The best part of this experience is the browser itself. You have unlimited access to every game On-Demand, but there is also a "Boss Button", that when activated changes the video stream into an Excel spreadsheet. Beautiful I know.

Go to and check it out for youself.


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