Tuesday, April 25, 2006


OK... so I haven’t updated this in QUITE SOME TIME... but it’s not like I have been slacking. I’ve been running around like crazy! So quick update as to what has been going on:

My Dad one the annual NCAA March Madness pool. What a crazy tournament! In fact, he was the only one to even have a team to reach the Final Four! So congratulations go out to Jeff Seifert, your JAYdedSpartan NCAA Champion for 2006. Just wait till next year.

Shortly after my last update, I got REALLY sick and was basically out of commission for a week. However, I did get to take my newly acquired health insurance out for a spin! Growing up in Canada going to the doctor was never a big deal. You just showed up and they treated you. No worries. I had no idea how expensive the whole process was until I came down with an ear infection my second year of law school. $80.00 for a 30 second visit with the doctor and a scrip for Amoxil?!?! What the hell! I never realized how good I had it. Now if I can only score some dental insurance life will be perfect.

So I have been pretty much all over hells half acer taking depositions for a wide variety of cases. I love being able to get out of the office from time to time, but this has gotten out of control! Next week I get to take a huge trip up to Alcona County, Michigan for 5 deps in one day. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to that.

That being said, I have been completely out of the pop culture loop for the past two months. I can’t even tell you the last movie that I saw. Sad I know! Not that anything memorable comes out between Oscar season and the summer blockbusters, but I really miss going to the theater. Even if it’s a bad movie, it’s always great to be there. The movie theater is my sanctuary. A place where I can forget about all of the garbage in my life and just focus on something completely unrelated to everything I’m doing. It’s a totally different experience than when you watch a movie at home. The images are larger than life in a theater and you can’t help but be sucked in. That’s it, I need to go see more movies.

Well I’m off... and hopefully I’ll be back sooner than later this time....

Things you need to hear NOW:

Sister - She Wants Revenge
Suffer Well - Depeche Mode
Cash Machine - Hard-Fi
Gold Lion - Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs
Munich - Editors


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...this music list seems awfully devoid of my influence!

Robot Girl

11:57 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

These are all NEW singles. Or at least Newer singles. I would have liked to have put up a new song by the Brazillian Girls but unfortunately... :(

BTW, the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album comes out on Tuesday... YAY!!!

12:20 PM  

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